Sunday, April 19, 2020

Legal Liability Nunn vs. Massachusetts Essays - Types Of Insurance

South Carolina State University Department of Health Science Article # 2 Legal Liability Nunn vs. Massachusetts Case # 12-3712 Submitted for: P.E. 413 Legal Aspects of Sports Presented To: Dr. Crystal S. Nixon Submitted By: Orangeburg, SC October 6, 2015 Facts of the case: 1.In August of 2010 two former NBA referees, Ronald Dunn and Donald Vaden, filed a suit against Massachusetts Casualty Insurance Company alleging false supplemental disability insurance policies that were issued to them. 2.Sales representative Steven Lucas for Sun Life of Canada, who falls under the title of disability expert, provided the former referees with inaccurate information. 3.Sales representative Steven Lucas assisted former NBA referees Ronald Dunn and Donald Vaden in completing the application for Sun Life of Canada over the phone still providing false information. 4.Plaintiffs received their copies of Massachusetts Casualty Insurance Company supplemental disability insurance policy but never read the policy. 5.The policy included a Notice of 10 day right to exchange. This policy clause stipulated that the plaintiffs could return the policy if they were not satisfied with the results within ten days. Issue of the case: Should the referees except that they were irresponsible for not reading the contract before committing to the insurance company? Answer: True Ruling: Not Guilty My reaction to the case: My primary reaction after reviewing this case was that the Massachusetts Casualty Insurance Company was responsible for the misrepresentation that was conducted by an employee of their company. However, after further review I believe that the negligence is on the part of the plaintiffs. It was their irresponsibility that allowed them to sign a contract without reading the fine print. Any contract or legal document falls under the requirement of the recipient to review. If I were in the plaintiffs shoes I would have believed that I could file a suit under the pretence that I was given false information. However, the referees must take responsibility for not completely following the guidelines of the contract which is simply to read the contract. As a future sports professional, I have learned to pay close attention to anyone selling me insurance, and to be mindful of what I am signing. If I sign a legal binding document then it is my responsibility to accept w hatever stipulations come with the document.,d.cWw